"Once I was beautiful. Now I am myself." Anne Sexton

Hey, Slacker! Why not go to the gym?

Why don't I just go to the gym, you might ask? Well, I have. Kind of. I've never liked exercise or been an athlete. I've always liked walking on the beach, doing restorative yoga, light tennis, pilates. Stretching is my favorite and I've always felt best and looked my best when I was on a regular stretching regimen. I joined a gym in 2007, worked out every day with cardio and a weight regimen, kept track of pounds and inches, etc. I did feel better and I lost a couple of pounds. Literally. A couple. I felt healthy but I didn't lose inches in my problem areas and I didn't lose more weight. Then last year I joined another gym and got a trainer who I worked with three times a week. Again, I felt healthy but nothing happened to my body. Aging changes your body and how it metabolizes.

If I were going to lose this weight and inches by working out then working out would have to be the focus of my life. That is not acceptable to me. It's frustrating to know that I would have to put my family, friends, and life on hold for the rest of my life so that I can get my body into shape and keep it there. Believe me, in Orange County there are a lot of women, men, and even teens that are spending their lives doing this. I don't want to be one of them.

I also considered plastic surgery; liposuction, body wrapping, and other such alternatives. If they really worked then the money would be worth it. But there are so many horror stories out there - both aesthetic & health - and no guarantees. For me it wasn't worth the risk. I'm definitely not against plastic surgery or medical enhancements.

HCG seems to offer proven results for a fraction of the cost. At around $300 per cycle of treatments, I could have ten cycles of HCG treatment before I would pay what lipo would cost me for my saddlebags alone. And I'd still need lipo and a tummy-tuck for my G-U-T.