"Once I was beautiful. Now I am myself." Anne Sexton

500 Calorie-a-Day Diet Protocol

After "loading" on Days One and Two, you should be following this protocol...

*All portions should be weighted raw, before cooking. All visible fats should be removed before cooking. (I remove mine before weighing, too!)

*Your vegetables, meat and fruit should be different for each serving. This is really important because you want a full range of nutrient-rich food.

*Choose only organic, antibiotic- and growth hormone-free produce and proteins.

*You should be taking a multi-vitamin daily.

*You should be taking a 10 ml. potassium supplement, in addition to your multi-vitamin. Your doctor should prescribe this for you.

*Do not mix proteins at any meal, e.g. You cannot have both chicken and fish in one meal.

*Do not mix vegetables at any meal, e.g. You cannot have both lettuce and tomatoes in one meal.

*NO SUGAR!!!! Stevia is the recommended sweetener of choice if you need one.

*Pepper, Mustard Powder, Garlic, Sweet Basil, etc. can be used freely as seasonings.

*You should be having the juice of one lemon daily. (This works out to about 3 TBSP). Apple Cider Vinegar and Bragg's Aminos can be used as flavorings, as well.

*NO Margarine, Butter, Oil, Dressing, Peanut Butter

*Salt intake is not restricted on this diet and you can use it as you will. But the nurse practitioner told me that eating 1 tsp. of salt equals the retention of 1 liter of fluid in the body.

*DO NOT SKIP MEALS. Every meal and snack must be eaten as directed.

Any non-caloric fluids in any amount. (See fluid options below).

(3 1/2 ounces twice daily - Lunch and Dinner. Must be cooked without additional fat)
  • Fresh White Fish (Halibut, Cod, Flounder, Monkfish, Pike, Pollock, Snapper, Sole, Whiting, Crab meat, Lobster, Shrimp, Scallops)
  • Chicken breast with NO SKIN
  • Veal or very lean steak
*The following are NOT ALLOWED: Salmon, Eel, Tuna, Herring. Any fish that has been dried, smoked, or pickled.

(3 1/2 ounces selected vegetables twice daily - Lunch and Dinner)
  • Spinach, Chard, Chicory, Beet-greens, Green Lettuces, Tomatoes, Celery, Fennel, Onions, Red Radishes, Cucumbers, Asparagus, Cabbage
*The following are NOT ALLOWED: Pumpkin, Beetroot, Potatoes, Carrots, Peas, or Corn.

Two portions per day, at least 6 hours apart. Must be eaten after lunch.
Can be combined with a Lunch or Dinner.
  • Apple OR Strawberries (6 large) OR 1/2 Grapefruit AND
  • 1 piece Melba toast or Wasa bread

Tea or Coffee in any quantity. Soda Water or Mineral Water.
Recommended Teas: Eleotin, Wu-Long, Yerba Mate, Chamomile (at night), Green Tea (morning).