"Once I was beautiful. Now I am myself." Anne Sexton

Day 19 - Weight ???

This morning I'm up at the crack of dawn with darling Daphne who seems to have gotten the time change mixed up and decided to awaken at 5:30 a.m. Mountain Time which is both one whole hour earlier than she usually gets up anyway and only 4:30 a.m. Pacific Time. She didn't seem to be the bothered by it in the slightest. LOL! And it would have been perfect if we had actually been getting in the car to head to Idaho as we had originally planned. Instead, I had plenty of time to putz around the house and do things that always need to be done in a house in which you only visit and don't really live.

It was so very, very strange not to weigh myself this morning. Or not to have any idea what effect those eggs have had on my diet! :-) I weighed 125 at my Amara appointment with all my clothes on, and already having had several cups of water and coffee. I feel fine about that because I know that I weigh less than that under "normal" weighing circumstances. My measurements looked good and Amber was both really knowledgeable and a positive influence on my diet success thus far, my questions, and my diet future.

Amber let me know that any time after 23 days your metabolism is considered to be "reset." As long as you follow the "after-diet protocol" (which I haven't detailed yet on this blog) your metabolic rate should remain at its new levels after the 23rd injection. She also reminded me that 42 days is the longest you can remain on the injections without a taking a 6-week break. I decided, in concert with her advice, that I'll stay on the program for the full 42 days. I definitely have fat pockets to lose (read: saddlebags) and I may as well finish up the complete cycle. OK, it's good to know how much longer I have to do this. An end in sight!

Instead of getting back in the car and heading home (what a waste of time, gas money, food money, and energy this trip has turned out to be!), I decided to stay for the day and visit with my sister-in-law. Lemonade out of lemons! We went to the Green Valley Spa pool and tried to talk and catch up while her two little boys played in the water. It was good to try to make something positive out of what has become a ridiculous farce of a plan. Tomorrow, I'm headed home to Cali.

  • Strawberries
  • Crab (without any seasonings)
  • Asparagus, steamed
  • WASA
  • Grapefruit
  • WASA

  • Crab (unseasoned)
  • Tomatoes, fresh
Family Drama Update: So, get this, my Dad calls and says that they've "re-grouped" and everything is "back on." Only no one will be allowed to come this week, they'll be coming all together 5 days from now, and they "really hope I'll be able to make it." (What I'm supposed to do in the interim, I guess, is drive 400 miles back home and then turn around and drive 400 miles back to ST. G in two days and then on to Idaho? What the ????) I told my dad that I would most likely not be able to make it since I had "already made it." He said that they needed to accommodate everyone's plans and I remarked "Well, some people's plans are more important than other people's, I guess." He didn't like the sound of that and "thought I was more flexible than that." But there's really no other way to read the actions. It's true that I could have come at nearly any time but I could not come at ALL THE TIMES. So, I just said that I hoped that it worked out for him and that was the end of our conversation. (There's so much more drama to this story that involves numerous siblings, hours of telephone conversations, back and forth, etc. Why do families always seem to be about the drama and some people who just seem to feed on it?)


Steph said...

I think I keep reading your blog a little too late....so are you in town? I will stop by tommorow.

What a PAIN about the family drama!!! Some people really do feed on it. So sorry you are dealing with all this.

I have been eating the Signature Supper meals this week...don't waste your money. I haven't really liked them at all....