"Once I was beautiful. Now I am myself." Anne Sexton

Day 40 - Weight 115: Post HCG Day 2 of 3 - Measurement Day

My sister-in-law, her mother and stepfather, and my 4-year-old nephew have all had some horrible kind of stomach flu over the last couple of days. Some had it for 24 hours. Some for 36. It's so sad when I come to visit and then they are sick and I feel like I can't visit them. Who wants to get sick???

Well, even though I thought I had stayed at arms' length, last night the bathroom ogre called on me. Fortunately, I didn't throw up and only suffered on the other end. For about three hours I was doubled over in horrible cramping that gave me an immediate mental throwback to labor pains. Aaaah! It was awful but in the end, everything subsided and I was able to fall into a deep, deep sleep. Kind of like passing out, I guess. When I woke up this morning, I felt fine. A little worse for the wear but healthy and ready to take on my day.

Today is measurement day. I'm not sure what affect being sick might have on the measurements. What I've learned over this process is to weigh and measure regardless of circumstances. Factor in what you must after-the-fact. Because, over time, you'll see an average and "real" weight and measurement that holds true regardless of where you are at in your cycle, your health, your eating pattern for yesterday, etc.

Weight: 115 lbs. (-3 lbs.)
Bust: 34" (0")
Waist: 25" (-1/2")
Abdomen (read: GUT): 34 1/4" (+1 1/4")*
Saddlebags: 38 1/2" (-1 1/4")
Left Thigh: 20 1/2" (-3/4")
Right Thigh: 20 1/2" (-1/2")
Left Knee: 14 1/4" (+1/4")*
Right Knee: 14" (0")

TOTAL LOSSES for this week: 3 lbs., -1 1/2"*
(* Somehow I GAINED an inch-and-a-quarter on my abdomen and a 1/4" on my left knee. The "gut" I can explain with being swollen after being sick. The knee... hmmm, no explanation. The body can be funky and I'm not worried about it. We'll see how the next measurement day goes. I'm going to measure my abdomen in a couple of days to see if it goes back to normal).

TOTAL LOSSES TO DATE: 15 lbs. and 15 1/4" (EXCITING!!!)

It was a great day but a busy one and my eating schedule went all to pieces. I didn't plan well, didn't take any food out with me, didn't want to drive "all the way home" to eat, and thought if I broke up my stride I wouldn't finish everything I wanted to do today. I know myself fairly well and I was probably right. But, knowing myself as I do, I should have planned much better for my health and wellbeing. I ended up not eating anything at all until around 7 p.m. This would not be completely abnormal for me in my pre-HCG diet life. It wouldn't be an ordinary, every-day-day, but it definitely would fall within the norm of something that happens several times a month. I don't want to do that anymore. However.... ('However' is just a more refined way of getting that "BUT...." in! And that always makes me laugh). Ok, let's try this again...

However, I accomplished so much today and I'm proud of getting all of my "outside the house" running around done so that in the next days I can get all of my "inside the house" work accomplished. :-) For groceries, I hit up both Costco and a fabulous new health food store out in Washington, Natural Grocers ( http://www.naturalgrocers.com/ ).

It was my first time in Natural Grocers. They just opened in June. I was in heaven! I thought I had stepped back in time and was in a health food store of 20 years ago. Life was a lot different then in the "health food" world. It had not become the huge market share it is today and was full of "real" health products without all of the hype and the advertising and, frankly, the lying that you get in a lot of the "natural" products today. I really appreciated the "What We Won't Sell and Why" page on their website. If you are partaking of any of these products, you may want to rethink your strategy.

( http://www.naturalgrocers.com/wontsellandwhy.php )

The store is fabulous and if there is one near you, I highly recommend that you take advantage of it. Terrific prices, too!

I bought a car for my youngest (yes, it was more of an ordeal than those 6 words indicate!), conducted auto insurance policy update and financial appointments, and sauntered through a VERY long & VERY enjoyable trip to Barnes & Noble where I was "only" going to get some Fancy Nancy books to complete my niece's birthday gift but ended up perusing a good deal of the store shelf "real estate" and came home with treasures for me, too.

Books, books, books. I really don't think that you can have too many. I love my Kindle (one of mankind's most fabulous inventions!) but I still love a B-O-O-K. Always have. Always will.

At 7:00 p.m. I ate:
  • One whole Grapefruit
  • Asparagus, 200 grams
  • Heirloom Tomatoes, fresh, 200 grams

I'm going to do much better tomorrow.

Day 39 - Weight 116: Post HCG Day 1 of 3

I have two children, both boys, 15-months apart in age. When they were little, strangers used to ask me if they were twins and I would say, "Almost." It's true that when their birthdays are that close they go through most of life's growth stages at pretty much the same time. Instead of two distinct phases, it just seems like one long phase for each period. From the moment each miniature man took his first breath, though, he was his own soul. Individual does not begin to describe their uniqueness. They are so different from each other! Their personalities, how their brains work and how they learn, their approaches to life and social situations, their interests and talents are all completely their own. They don't even look alike which is funny because they don't look like me or their biological father, either. I always told them that, clearly, they were "themselves," here on the planet to fulfill their own destiny.

My oldest has been working this summer at two resorts in the mountains above Cedar City, Utah, about 2 hours away from our house in St. George. He's live-in staff, waiting tables and working the front desk, at a small family-owned lodge in Duck Creek and also waits tables for the Cedar Breaks Lodge and Spa ( http://www.cedarbreakslodge.com ). Cedar Breaks is a world-recognized resort mostly known for ski season but definitely a great place for summer fun like ATV riding, mountain biking, and hiking. He's pulling about 60 hours-a-week and loving it. He's an adventurer like his mom and his new plan is to move to Boston with a friend of his from Texas, who is an executive chef. They've already lined up jobs & an apartment for themselves and next week my firstborn will get into his little Subaru Impreza and drive across the country; by himself to Texas where they'll meet up, and then in their separate cars they'll "caravan" and head the rest of the way across the middle of this huge land mass, taking a sharp left at the I-95 and heading north until they reach their destination... Boston: 'most confusing city to drive in in all of the United States of America.'

So, today my youngest and I drove up to Duck Creek to see where all the work had taken place so far, where he'd been living, and what he'd made of himself in the big wide world. LOL! It was nearly 20 degrees cooler in the mountains and mostly it reminded me a lot of Big Bear, in California. We hung out and caught up, and he updated the operating system on the Boot Camp/PC side of my MAC. (He's really into computers and all things "tech"). Eating proved to be a little bit of a challenge. Thankfully, I had brought an apple which I ate for my snack!

  • 2 cups Coffee
  • 1 liter Water
  • 2 cups Mint Tea, herbal

  • Apple

  • Hamburger patty (Plain. And there could be no doubt - it was cooked to death.)
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Pepperoncinis (CHEAT - because it's a mix of veggies. I had about 5 of them.)

  • Strawberries
  • Chicken & Cabbage Soup (Pico de gallo, Herbs de Provence, Garlic Salt)

Day 38 - Weight 116.8: LAST DAY OF HCG INJECTIONS!

Today is my last injection day. Weird. I'm ready.

I headed out to the Farmer's Market at Pioneer Square and picked up some microgreens, tomatoes, strawberries, and homemade Pico de Gallo. It's lovely to be out in the summer desert early in the morning before the heat rolls in.

After today, I'll stay on the diet protocol for another three days; same foods in the same amounts but with no shots. I hope it isn't too hard. It isn't supposed to be. Dr. Simeon hasn't let me down yet. :-) I'm not too worried about it.

  • 2 cups Coffee
  • 1/2 liter Water (Too much running around today. I just couldn't get it in.)

  • Strawberries
  • Steak, grilled
  • Swiss Chard, steamed with Bragg's Aminos

I skipped snack tonight. (CHEAT)

  • 200 grams chicken w/ Pico de Gallo (DOUBLE CHEAT: Extra protein & extra mix of veggies)
  • Fresh Tomato
I cooked the chicken with the Pico on top in tin foil packets for 25 minutes in a 375 degree oven. It was fabulous. Moist & Tasty!

Day 37 - Weight 116.4: Travel Day

On pretty short notice I needed to head to St. George today to take care of some things. One 17-year-old son and two little dog girls piled into the car with me this morning and 6 hours later we were in 120 degree heat. The drive seemed to go faster than usual for some reason even though the clock never lies.

I found myself, like on most travel days, a little shy of my water intake today but otherwise pretty much on target.

  • 2 cups Coffee
  • 1 liter Water

  • Apple (eaten in car during travel)

LUNCH (eaten very late - after arriving in St. G.)
  • Steak, grilled
  • Asparagus, steamed
I tried to order a grilled chicken breast sandwich at Carl's Jr. in Primm. In the drive-thru I was very clear that I needed no sauce, etc., of any kind on my chicken. Unfortunately, when I opened the sandwich, it had BBQ sauce on it and I had to get out of the car and head into the restaurant to ask for a new one. There they informed me that they don't have any chicken that does not have some sort of sauce, marinade or the like. I said "thanks, then" and asked for my money back.
They were very friendly and apologized.
I, however was still hungry.
You can't eat an apology.

  • Strawberries
  • Hamburger & Cabbage Soup

Day 36 - Weight 116.8: The BMR & Who is Harris-Benedict?

OMG! I only have two more days of injections after today. This feels very surreal to me. I'm pretty much holding steady in the 116 pound-zone. It looks as if I may have found my target weight? We'll see. I've been giving quite a bit of thought to how I'll eat after this diet is over. This isn't a "lifestyle diet" of sorts. I'll have to take my learned lessons and integrate them into my everyday life after I'm done with Dr. Simeon.

One thing I've been focusing on is how many calories I actually should be eating on a regular basis to maintain my target weight. This is called the Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR. (This is sometimes called the RMR, or Resting Metabolic Rate). The BMR takes your height, weight, sex, and age into account and provides a measurement of how much energy your body requires to do nothing but eating, breathing, sleeping, and existing. After all, calories are an energy measurement and your body uses energy to do everything - even to do what we think of as nothing, like sit on our tushies and watch TV. From this BMR foundation, you can also determine how many calories you need to maintain your current weight and how many additional calories you would need to maintain that weight if you were moderately or aggressively exercising. Of course, you can also determine your projected intake needs for losing weight and for gaining weight.

There are two standard methods for determining BMR, the Harris-Benedict Equation and the Mifflin-St Jeor Equation. Mifflin-St. Jeor is considered to be somewhat more reliable because it factors in a modern individual (it was created in 1990). Harris-Benedict has been used longer, by about 90 years, so it's the most common one you'll come across. It doesn't take lean body mass into consideration, so it won't be accurate for hyper-athletic types. Since I don't fall into this category at present, and it would take an act of God to get me there!, I'm not too worried about Harris-Benedict giving me an improper diagnosis. I found the following info to be really helpful.

***The Harris-Benedict formula (BMR based on total body weight)
The Harris Benedict equation is a calorie formula using the factors of height, weight, age, and sex to determine basal metabolic rate (BMR). This makes it more accurate than determining calorie needs based on total bodyweight alone. The only variable it does not take into consideration is lean body mass. Therefore, this equation will be very accurate in all but the extremely muscular (will underestimate caloric needs) and the extremely overfat (will overestimate caloric needs).

Men: BMR = 66 + (13.7 X wt in kg) + (5 X ht in cm) - (6.8 X age in years)

Women: BMR = 655 + (9.6 X wt in kg) + (1.8 X ht in cm) - (4.7 X age in years)

Note: 1 inch = 2.54 cm.
1 kilogram = 2.2 lbs.

You are female
You are 30 yrs old
You are 5' 6 " tall (167.6 cm)
You weigh 120 lbs. (54.5 kilos)
Your BMR = 655 + 523 + 302 - 141 = 1339 calories/day

Now that you know your BMR, you can calculate Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) by multiplying your BMR by your activity multiplier from the chart below:

Activity Multiplier
Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
Mod. active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
Extr. active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.)

Your BMR is 1339 calories per day
Your activity level is moderately active (work out 3-4 times per week)
Your activity factor is 1.55
Your TDEE = 1.55 X 1339 = 2075 calories/day***

(***The Harris-Benedict samples were taken from:
( http://www.shapefit.com/basal-metabolic-rate.html ).

I found a great BMR calculator online at ( http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/ ). My BMR turned out to be 1258.65 if I am as active as a slug or just stayed in bed all day. Which, if I am being perfectly honest and you've seen the pics to prove that I am at least attempting to do so, is sometimes true.

Every day is different and some days we are more active than other days. At least I am. So here are the equations to figure out how many calories you'll need on different days.

So... if I don't get out of bed, or just to walk to the kitchen and bathroom and back, I need 1,509 calories to maintain my current weight. If I exercise lightly, take the stairs instead of the elevator/park further away/do a very light yoga routine/take the dogs for a brisk walk (not too brisk!)... I'll need 1729 calories.

If I get myself back into a routine of repetitious low-weight training, cardio 3-5 times a week, etc.... I'll need 1949 calories.

If I start doing those Yoga Booty Ballet DVD's (you know, the ones I bought two years ago and haven't opened) on a daily basis on top of the the light cardio and the repetitious low-weight resistance workouts... then I'll need to consume 2170 calories a day.

AND... drum roll, please.... if I ever decide that I am now an athlete and must work very, very hard every single damned day to become a lean, mean, muscle machine... I will need 2,390 calories a day to maintain a weight of 115 pounds. Hah! I cannot imagine this being a part of my reality. However, I have learned in my lifetime that you must never say never. We do not know what the future holds for us.

  • 2 cups coffee
  • 2 liters water
  • 1 cup chai tea

  • Strawberries
  • Swiss Chard, steamed
  • Grilled Steak
Dear Reader, I am terribly sorry but I did not write down what I ate for dinner. And now I can't remember! The days and the weights and the inches and the foods are all starting to blend together. I do know that I did not cheat today (I would have written that down for you!). So, I guess that means either an apple or grapefruit for snack, chicken or fish for dinner, and most likely asparagus as the veggie. That's what's in the house right now. Please forgive. :-)

Day 35 - Weight 116.6

OK. Today was a getting back to normal kind of day. The realities of the last few days are still real. But now we stop crying and handle the tasks that day-to-day life brings. Barely a hint of a headache still holding on at the base of my skull. Cleaning, and laundry, and grocery shopping to do. Bills to pay - thank god for online banking! The world does not stop when you are experiencing a personal crisis. So, take a day or two off, have a good cry, and then get up and get movin.' This strategy doesn't take away the problems. They are still there and they will have to be dealt with. It's like a Southern California coastal "June-gloom" over your summer day except it's really over your life. No matter what happens or what you are doing, it's just kind of grey and a little bit blurry.

Smart thing to do? Go have a double treatment with Jann at Pura Vida Day Spa! Oh, yes, I did. Massage followed by facial followed by no more headache. Thank you, Jann!!!! She's so fabulous. Everyone should have one! :-) LOL! The rest of my summer will be hectic, so I'm putting my membership on hold and I'll pick it back up in September. I'll definitely miss her but it's nice to look forward to something truly terrific, right?

  • 1 C coffee
  • 1 C White Tea
  • 1 Liter water (I'm really struggling to get back on track with the water!!!)

  • Strawberries

  • Pre-baked Chicken
  • Salad

  • Grapefruit

  • 100 grams Heirloom Tomatoes (gosh, these are so yummy!)

  • Bison Burger (Grill Salt, Greek herbs)
  • Asparagus, steamed

Day 34 - Weight 116.8 - MJ Memorial

Today was an awful, awful, awful, tearful day. As you know, this blog is several days behind the reality of my diet experience. In reality, today was Michael Jackson's Memorial Service (July 7, 2009). I watched all the coverage and, while a horribly sad day, there was genuinely a catharsis of sorts in all of those tears and all of that emotion that could be felt side-by-side with the emotional roller-coaster that's going on in my personal life.

My pre-teen and early teen years were all about Michael Jackson. His was the only poster I ever had on my wall as a kid when I was growing up. It was the one where he was wearing the yellow sweater vest. So, so, so cute! Oh, how I loved him. The power of his music and his "force" to be reckoned with in making the world a better place affected my life in ways that I wasn't even fully aware of before I started analyzing it in the days after his death. Even when I first heard that he had died (I was at the re-opening of Pura Vida Day Spa when I found out) it didn't really hit me how much he had meant to me. I really believe that it was Michael Jackson who first lit that bulb in my head that, as individuals, we actually have the power to make positive change happen in the world. If not for Michael Jackson, there would not have been a LiveAid, Artists United Against Apartheid ("Ain't Gonna Play Sun City"), FarmAid, or the like. These movements put the power of positive change into the hearts and hands of youth around the globe and changed the way we saw our world, our role in it, and our personal power & responsibility. He is responsible for that spark. That's not bravado. That's the truth.

In my later teen years, I turned my interest to Prince and then to punk. But when "You Are Not Alone" was released in 1995, I was a newly divorced, single mom of two toddlers. The song was an anthem of sorts and deeply supportive. I spent many nights listening to it over and over before dropping into sleep.

I have always loved excellence. Michael Jackson was excellence personified. And genius. And talent. I think the world was, indeed, a better place for having Michael Jackson in it. His sadness has always broken my heart. I feel the loss of him very deeply, even though I am surprised by my own feelings.

I woke with only a dull headache, not the valiant throbbing of yesterday. A dull ache is something I can handle without meds. So, today was an on-the-couch-with-my-kleenex-watching-the-MJ-coverage-all-day kind of day. Just me and those sweet little girls, Daphne & Zoe, who didn't make any messes and were so cuddly and loveable all day.

I really blew the water today. 2 C coffee, 1 C chai tea, 1 C Peppermint/Lemon tea, and maybe 1 liter of water. I doubt it was really even that much...

  • Grapefruit

  • Steak, grilled
  • Tomatoes, fresh

  • Apple

  • Pre-baked Chicken
  • Asparagus, steamed

Day 33 - Weight 117.8 - Migraines & Tears

Today was one of the worst days of my life. Six months ago at the age of 16 my youngest son hooked up with some very bad people, made some horrible choices, and landed himself in some legal trouble that may affect him for the rest of his life. Today I took my "baby" to the first of what will most likely be several court dates. Of course, the outcome is unknown.

There is something surreal about finding yourself in this situation. You feel emotionally raw but you are not allowed weakness. You are a mother. It's your job to be strong for your child, to set an example of how to face with honor and integrity the realities of poor choices you've made, to speak intelligently with the attorney. To be there for your child who is putting on a brave face but is scared to death - which breaks your motherheart even more. Even though you feel like your life is somehow swirling down the toilet boil, you must remain calm, unflustered. Immovable.

I'm good in a crisis. I don't break down until things have been handled. Today was also a day to see how other people in your life stand up for you when you need it most. I learned that I couldn't count on the person in my life that should be the one person that I can count on. What that will mean in my future may be uncertain but, more likely, it is simply a certainty that I can't fully face yet. Today in court we achieved a 30-day evaluation "stay" and we'll move forward one step at a time and see what the next step brings...

That kind of stress and emotional unrest gives me migraines. The only thing that can really cure a migraine for me is Vicodin, a dark room, and a long sleep. Obviously I can't achieve that remedy unless everything else is taken care of so I'll wait until evening to get rid of this hell in my head.

Adding hours of tears to a migraine spells "no appetite" for me but I forced myself to eat today. Unfortunately, I fell far short of my liquids consumption minimums and I probably needed that water most of all. I really thought I'd skip dinner - the thought of eating almost made me nauseous - and I took my first Vicodin at 6:30. But as I was waiting for it to "kick in" I made myself prepare the food anyway. It felt good knowing I was taking care of myself one little step at a time. I hoped that one would do the trick. With no easing of the throbbing pain, I took another little magic pill at 8 p.m. and dropped off into a well deserved stupor by 9:30.

  • Apple

  • Chicken & Cabbage Soup
(I made it last night. If I hadn't had it ready I probably wouldn't have been able to prepare anything, and consequently eat anything, this afternoon. When you're that down, you just can't make yourself).

  • Strawberries

  • Pre-baked chicken
  • Asparagus, steamed

Day 32 - Weight 118 - CRAVINGS!

A funny thing happened today. I wasn't feeling particularly hungry but I started craving the "bad stuff!" The strongest cravings I've had since I started the diet. Craving things that I don't normally eat on a day-to-day basis but definitely things that I like to eat. Grilled cheese sandwiches with mild cheddar and gruyere cheeses. Macaroni and cheese; plain like my brother makes it or with salmon, one of my specialties. And those damned fabulous Orange Blossom cupcakes at 25 Main in St. George. Weird, hmm? I don't know if it was because I took Communion at church today (which is accompanied by the "Prosforo" bread, first bite of bread I've had in 32 days!) or if it's because I'm thinking about my husband already being finished with the diet and all the options soon to be open to him. Or maybe my body is just craving carbs. And cheese? The mind is a crazy place.

Don't worry. I didn't eat any of those things.

  • 1 C coffee
  • 2 Liters water
  • 1 C Chai tea

  • Apple

  • Pre-cooked steak slices
  • Tomato, fresh

  • Strawberries

  • Snapper, baked
  • Spinach, wilted

Day 31 - Weight 117.8 - Hubby's 1st "Post-" Day

Yesterday was my husband's last HCG shot. He stayed on the "juice" for 26 days and was ready to be done. Unlike me, he struggled with hunger for most of his time on the diet which made him pretty miserable.

Today is his first of three post-HCG days. After the last HCG injection, you have to stay on the strict diet protocol for three days. After those 3 days, you must refrain from sugar and the "starches" (i.e. rice, bread, potatoes, pastries, pasta, etc.) for an additional three weeks. The strictest rule is actually that you MUST weigh yourself religiously every morning just like you did during the actual diet. If your weight fluctuates above two pounds from your goal weight you have to do a "steak day" which I'll detail in another post. Other than those two rules, you can add anything back into your diet, including a reasonable smattering of fats and even an alcoholic drink with dinner.

He didn't have the level of success with the diet that I've had so far but he definitely did have success. In 26 days he lost a total of 16.6 pounds and 5 3/4". His pants, jeans in particular, no longer fit him and he has to go back to a smaller size. Thankfully, we still have a few pairs that we didn't get rid of! :-) He really looks slimmer and he is happy about his success. He deserves a shopping trip!

Today was a massive cheat day for me. I don't know what came over me! I didn't eat anything "off protocol" but I was definitely bad!

  • 1 C coffee
  • 1 C chai tea
  • 2 liters water

  • Grapefruit, whole (CHEAT)

  • Pre-baked Chicken & Green Salad (for hubby)
  • Chicken Soup w/ Cabbage* (for me)
(*Pre-baked chicken, cabbage, Garam Masala, splash of Bragg's Aminos, Dried Onion, Garlic Powder, Salt, Lemon - this soup was really yummy)

  • Crab, fresh - 100 grams

  • Hamburgers - 125 grams
  • Asparagus, steamed - 150 grams
  • Strawberries
  • WASA (only for Hubby)
I seriously don't know what came over me. I was starving and craving that crab! I started out with 50 grams. After I ate that, I scarfed down another 50 grams. I tried to at least eat it slowly and enjoy it. Still, this was the first time that I actually felt a bit guilty over a cheat. I was so full after dinner that I really didn't feel that great. Not sick, exactly. Just not well. :-( Hubby's doing better without the injection than I am with it!

Day 30 - Weight 118.2

I tried on clothes today. Not at the store. In my closet. I can't believe how many inches I've lost as measured by how my clothes fit. I put a skort on this morning to run to the Farmers' Market and I could grab a handful of it at the waist and the hip! Awesome! In April, that skort was super tight. All the scales and mesuring tapes in the world do not give you the feeling of success like fitting smoothly into your clothes. Or having them drop off your body! LOL! So, basically, my larger clothes - sizes 6 and 8 - are now too big or nicely loose but I haven't really spent any time to try on the smaller sized clothing. I'm going to give myself a few days post-period to feel brave enough for that... Also, even though today should have been a measurement day, I'm also giving myself a couple of days before I do that. Right this minute, I know that measurements are not accurate. I'll let you know how it goes when I do measure. And when I try on the "skinnies." :-)

  • Strawberries

  • Pre-baked Chicken
  • Spinach, wilted

  • Apple

  • Steak
  • Tomatoes, fresh (Me)
  • Asparagus, steamed (Hubby)

Day 29 - Weight 118.8 - Back on the Juice!

OK. I'm back on the HCG injections starting this morning. I never felt any difference really as far hunger goes. Chalk up another one to Dr. Simeon. :-)

  • 2 C coffee
  • 2 liters water
  • 1 C chai tea

  • Grapefruit, whole not half (CHEAT)

  • Crab
  • Tomatoes

  • Apple
  • Shrimp Ceviche (w/ Baby Heirloom Tomatoes, Onion)

You've really got to see how beautiful these Baby Heirloom Tomatoes are. :-)

Day 28 - Weight 119 - Period Day 3/No HCG

I woke up today with quite a bit of energy and felt really good. It looks like this will be the last day of my period and I'm excited to, hopefully, get back to the injections and back on track tomorrow.

I've been thinking about getting back into the habit of stretching daily. I love stretching. Since I felt so good this morning, I decided to do a Classical Stretch routine ( http://www.classicalstretch.com/ ). Oh, boy! I did finish the routine but I have to tell you, I was E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D! I seriously felt so tired in my body. From doing a 30-minute stretch workout! I was not out of breath, light headed or anything like that. But my body felt really weak. I will admit that I always feel weaker during my period. I don't usually work out at all during that time, I try to take a nap during the day, etc. But this was more extreme than usual.

I had my apple snack right after the workout at 10:30 and then slid back into bed... By early afternoon I seemed to have recovered and took the "girls" for a walk, accomplished things around the house, etc. Still, I laid pretty low...

Today I started thinking about things that I can't wait to eat after the diet is over. :-)

  • Feta cheese
  • A "whole" salad (lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumber...)
  • Mixed veggies & fruits
  • Broccoli
  • Zuchini
  • Salmon
  • Ahi Tuna
  • A "real" Steak
It's funny because everything that I can't wait to eat is actually really healthy. Cool, hmmm?

  • 1 C coffee
  • 2 liters water

  • Apple

  • Shrimp Ceviche w/ Baby Heirlooms & Onion
  • WASA

  • Grapefruit

  • Laura's Beef Hamburger Patty
  • Spring Greens Salad w/ Spicy Vinaigrette

Day 27 - Weight 188.8 - Period Day 2/No HCG

Lost two pounds since yesterday. Yeah! I really think the weight gain or "hold" is completely related to my cycle. That's relieving, I have to tell ya.

It's the second day withholding the HCG injection and I still didn't feel any increase in hunger. I had light cramping throughout the morning but definitely not a big deal. The horror show from yesterday was definitely over! Unfortunately, I am feeling something like a head cold or maybe even allergies. I haven't completely recovered from the cold/infection that I had and now it feels like it's moved directly behind my eyes and into my head. Big time. I've never experienced allergies, hay fever and the like, but it seems like this is what they would feel like. Itchy, pressured eyes, sinus pressure, headache. My self prescription? I headed in to Pura Vida Day Spa for a massage with Jann B. and I came out feeling much better. :-)

Which Lettuce is Best?

I was thinking about lettuce today. Does that sound funny? I've always heard that the spring greens mix was higher in nutrients than romaine which is higher in nutrients than iceberg. My husband loves iceberg and I guess, over the years, I taught him to love romaine. I haven't been as successful in teaching him to love the spring greens. I did some research and actually found that, for the lettuce family singles, the highest nutrient value would be in spinach and the second highest nutrient value would be in loose leaf, green or red, lettuce. Romaine lettuce is higher in vitamin C than the looseleaf but that's it's only "winning" attribute. Still romaine ranks high above iceberg whose only real value seems to be it's high water content. I really like loose leaf lettuce so that will be an easy switch for me and, I think, for hubby, too. I'm glad I know better now and I'll also slip more raw spinach into our salads, too.

For details on the nutrient comparison values of the "lettuce" family, click here: http://plantanswers.tamu.edu/recipes/spinach/spinach&lettucenutrition.html (It's pretty much impossible to get a nutritional value breakdown for "spring greens").

  • 1 C chai tea
  • 2 liters water

  • Apple

  • Chicken Soup w/ Collard Greens
(Sambal ulek, Bragg's Aminos, Salt, Minced Dried Onions, Garlic Powder, 2 C water, 2 TBSP Lemon Juice)

  • Strawberries
  • Crab, fresh
  • Asparagus, steamed*
  • WASA*
*The asparagus turned out to be kind of stringy and tough. I gave mine to hubby, who wanted it anyway, and added the WASA for myself instead.

Day 26 - Weight 120.8 - Period Day 1/No HCG

Finally. I started my period today. I won't have any HCG injections until my period is over. Typically, for me, that will be 3 or 4 days. Dr. Simeon's protocol states that there won't be any extreme hunger even though the HCG injections have been halted. I'm curious to see if that holds true, of course, but for today it was pretty spot on. I didn't notice any difference in hunger.

I did notice a difference in my period, though. Day one for me is usually the day I experience the most cramping. Today's cramping was almost unbearable, though. Much worse than usual. And I found myself doubled over with a hot water bottle a good part of the day. By late afternoon and into the night I also had terrible diarrhea. TMI! I know. But, it is what happened to me and I can only attribute it, anecdotally, to the HCG Diet because it isn't normal for me to experience this much pain and illness with my period. Be careful what you wish for. I wished that my period would start and now I'm wishing it hadn't. Urgh!

  • 2 C Coffee
  • 1 1/2 liters water
  • 2 C Chamomile tea
  • 1 C Lemon/Peppermint tea

  • Grapefruit

  • Chicken Soup w/ Cabbage (Sambal ulek, Splash of Bragg's Aminos, Salt, Herbs de Provence)

  • Grapefruit (I know that was twice today. I was really craving it).

  • 3 Eggs, soft boiled (CHEAT)
  • Spinach salad

I have been craving eggs for several days so I thought what better time to cheat than on my period. I deserve it, right? And they are kind of a sanctioned cheat. Unfortunately, they were just a tad bit overcooked. Coupled with how sick I was feeling, I didn't enjoy them nearly as much as I had hoped. Bummer. :-(

Day 25 - Weight 120.6 - Pre-prepping Foods

Well, I remain hovering in the 120 zone. Start the period already! I know I cheated yesterday mixing more than one veggie for both lunch and dinner and adding an extra 50 grams of protein at dinner. Overall, I really feel like it's most important to listen to my body and to respect it.

One thing I've learned about being successful on this diet is to be prepared. Pre-prepping and cooking the food portions has been really helpful. Today I baked 6 chicken portions and grilled 6 steak portions that we'll eat during the week. I realize that this is something I can do and probably should be doing after the diet. The portions can be larger and more varied, of course! :-)

Pre-planning and cooking portions, especially for lunches, will keep us healthier over the long term. While I am a big proponent of fresh cooking and am pretty much anti-microwave cooking, I am realizing that it's healthier to have portioned, great food ready to eat instead of reaching for whatever is "easy." Whatever is easy is usually not very healthy and that means not only that easy and fast foods are higher in the "junk" that we shouldn't be eating but that they also don't contain a varied mix of nutrients that we should be eating.

  • 1 C coffee
  • 2 liters water

  • Strawberries
  • Halibut (left-overs from last night)
  • Spring Greens w/ Spicy Vinaigrette
  • WASA

  • Grilled Steak
  • Fresh Tomatoes
  • WASA (for Hubby only, not for me)

SNACK (eaten after dinner)
  • Apple

Day 24 - Weight 120.2

A perfect California day. Walk Salt Creek with hubby. Laguna Beach Farmers' Market with hubby. Plant some herb starts in pots on the patio. Nice long nap with Daphne and Zoe. A perfect day. And, yes, I feel very lucky.

  • 2 cups coffee
  • 2 liters water

SNACK / LUNCH COMBO (recipe below)
  • Strawberries
  • Shrimp
  • Baby Heirloom Tomatoes
  • Purple Onions - 50 grams (CHEAT)

  • Apple
  • Halibut - 150 grams (CHEAT)
  • Fresh Tomatoes
  • Onions - 50 grams (CHEAT)
Rub Halibut on both sides with Fresh & Easy spice rub. Bring 1 C hot water, 5 TBSP Bragg's, Garlic Powder, and chopped onions to a boil. Add Halibut. Reduce heat to simmer with lid on for about 5 minutes.

This recipe was too salty and strong. I would reduce the Bragg's to 2 TBSP and omit the garlic powder completely.

  • Shrimp, pre-cooked, diced in small pieces
  • Baby Heirloom Tomatoes
  • Purple Onions - 50 grams
  • Lemon Juice - 3 TBSP
  • Garlic Powder
  • Sea Salt
  • Pepper, fresh ground
  • Cholula, to taste
Slice tomatoes in half. Chop onions fine in Cuisinart. Add tomatoes and pulse until blended. Mixture will be slightly chunky. Do not completely liquify tomatoes. Place tomato/onion mixture in bowl and add remaining ingredients. Mix well with a spoon, cover and place in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes to blend flavors. Yum, yum, yum!

Day 23 - Weight 120.6

My weight is back UP to 120! WTH? I am following the protocol exactly since I got back from St. George. I'm hoping that the gain is in direct relationship to where I'm at in my "female" cycle. But, geez! Seriously?!?!?!?

I spent a while poking around on the internet trying to find some hard evidence on menstrual cycle weight gain and, particularly, HCG-related results. I found quite a bit of "soft" evidence on cycle weight gain in general, personal anecdotes, etc. Apparently 5-9 pounds of gain in the week before menstrual onset is completely normal. Good to know, hmm? I guess since I never really weighed myself in my pre-HCG diet days I never realized that I was gaining and then losing a few pounds every month unless my clothes felt tight that week.

I found basically nothing related to HCG and the menstrual cycle with respect to weight or inch gain. I do know that when I actually start my period I have to stop taking the injections until my period is over. Even though the injections are halted you definitely have to stay on the diet protocol. If you are taking the oral sublingual HCG drops, you don't have to stop taking them during your period. I haven't been able to find out exactly why that is but those are the rules. I wish I would just hurry up and start already.

  • 1 cup coffee
  • 1 cup chai tea
  • 1 1/2 liters water (Oops! Missed the target on that one.)

  • Grapefruit (10:30 a.m.)
  • Melba Toast (11:15 a.m.)

  • Pre-cooked steak strips
  • Baby heirloom tomatoes

SNACK (5:15 p.m.)
  • Strawberries

DINNER (6:30 p.m.)
  • Hamburger (w/Red Pepper Flakes, Garlic Powder, Sumac, Salt)
  • Asparagus, steamed
  • Melba Toast
(I've been eating asparagus a bit often because I had to finish the batch before they went bad.)

I had a lot of energy today. I went to the Farmer's Market in Laguna Hills and picked up my fresh produce before heading home to clean, clean, clean ALL DAY LONG. We're having some re-modeling work done in our home and we just had some tile flooring demolished in preparation for a new floor and kitchen remodel. Even though we tried to wrap & protect things, we have tile dust EVERYWHERE. Today was spent "wet-dusting" every surface in the living areas of the house, including door jams, sills, shelves, floors, etc. I was at it all day and it still isn't done, of course. Still, it was a productive day and we're that much closer to a completed re-do. :-)

Oh! I almost forgot about the electrotherapy results. Sadly, there was no change in my abdomen measurements. But what I was most disappointed about was that I didn't feel anything in my abdomen at all. If it was supposed to mimic a real workout then I definitely should have felt some after-effect results on the following day. I feel NOTHING AT ALL. I don't think I'm going to pursue that one. I guess there really is no way to avoid the gym.... urgh!

Day 22 - Weight 118 - B12 + Measurement Day

Weight: 118 lbs. (-4.4 lbs.)
Bust: 34 1/2" (+1/2")*
Waist: 26" (0")
Abdomen (read: GUT): 34 3/8" (-5/8")
Saddlebags: 40 3/8" (-3/8")
Left Thigh: 21 5/8" (-3/8")
Right Thigh: 21 3/4" (-1/4")
Left Knee: 14 3/8" (-1/8")
Right Knee: 14" (-1/8")

TOTAL LOSSES for this week: 4.4 lbs., 1 3/8"
(*This measurement could read 1 7/8" loss if you didn't factor in the 1/2" gain in my breast measurement. That measurement is, I am completely sure, directly a result of where I am in my menstrual cycle. Swelling breasts is something that happens to me monthly at this point in my cycle, so it is completely normal for me. However, I didn't alter the actual measurements at all. Today this is what my breast measurement was and so that's what I wrote down).

TOTAL LOSSES TO DATE: 11 lbs., 13 3/4"

I'm not very happy with my inch loss this week. Less than 2" is not what I had in mind for this drastic of a diet. However, I did go off-protocol a bit and I did have two travel days in close proximity during the week. I did lose almost 5 pounds but I really don't care about the weight number. It's a bit frustrating to feel like I've plateaued but I'm hanging on for the whole shibang! It's normal not to have a consistent loss although I just realized that with an 11 pound loss in 22 days - that's a pretty consistent 1/2 pound-per-day-loss. Not bad. Also, I'll be starting my period within a few days and that's bound to be wreaking havoc with the weight and the inches.

  • Apple

  • Steak Salad w/ Spicy Vinaigrette (recipe & pic below)

  • Grapefruit

  • Hamburger
  • Asparagus, steamed
I really haven't been hungry at all so I decided to cut the WASA or Melba Toast from my diet unless I actually feel the need to add it in. The protocol from AmaraMedSpa does not include this option at all. If I miss it, I'll eat it. After all I've been successful while eating it regularly. But if I don't miss it, I won't eat it.

Today was the grand re-opening of Pura Vida Day Spa ( http://www.puravidadayspa.com/ ). I have a massage and facial membership there that my husband purchased for me for my birthday last year. One of thebest gifts I've ever received! I do both my monthly facial and massage with Jann Barbour. She's F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S! The first time she gave me a facial I knew I'd never go to anyone else. I thought I was back in the eighties - before the day spa trend really killed the decdent pleasures of spa treatments!

This little hidden treasure of Orange County changed ownership a few months ago and the new owners have been getting on their feet. So today they had a full day of free treatments and fabulous food & drink, open to their members and potential clients. I went in fairly early to say hi and it looked like it ws going very well. They offered me a free body sculpting session on the
electrotherapy machine and I said, "Absolutely." I've been wanting to give the machine a try. Oprah has talked about it on her show and it's gotten quite a buzz. But it's a bit pricey to just dive in and buy a package of sessions. This was a great opportunity.

I asked the therapist to focus on my tummy area and she placed about 6 electrode pads on the different muscle areas of my torso. She warned me that it wouldn't hurt but it would feel uncomfortable. I've had similar treatments for back pain so I knew, generally, what to expect. It felt so weird! She said I had a very high tolerance and cranked it up as high as I could take it, which was totally up to me to decide. It is so strange to have your body "insides" moving and responding to an electrical impulse that is not being sent by your own brain!

The therapist said that one full session is one hour and that that one hour session is equal to 6 hours of working out. While I was laying on the table under treatment I suddenly remembered Dr. Simeon's distaste for therapeutic, or "hard," massage during the diet. He said that the body is working with the HCG in a very delicate balance on the fat cells and that even massage could disturb the that balance and be detrimental instead of beneficial. I was already strapped in so I decided to finish it out.

My session was about 20 -30 minutes. It was uncomfortable, to be sure, but it really felt like it was working and it definitely wasn't painful. I have a fairly high pain tolerance anyway. I drank my three glasses of water while I was there chatting with the girls. I can't wait to see if I feel anything tomorrow. I mean a three-hour ab workout would definitely be felt by my abs! Also, I'm going to measure my abdomen again tomorrow morning to see if anything changed.

1 TBSP Bragg's Aminos
1 TBSP Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
Red pepper flakes

Yum! Yum! Yum!

Day 21 - Weight 121

This morning I popped out of bed, took care of the little girls, Zoe & Daphne, and headed out to Starbucks to meet my darling friend Z. We try to take our coffee for a long walk on Salt Creek Beach whenever we can. I had to cancel last week because of my unexpected trip, so I'm excited to see her and breathe in that fabulous air. Did you know that the air near the beach has more negative ions in it and that these negative ions kill free radicals? Free radicals break down healthy cells and cause cancer and aging, among other horrible things. Blog lesson for today? You should walk on the beach more. :-)

I brought my coffee with me since I can't have anything in it anyway and we drove the 5 minutes to the beach. The weather was fabulous and not too cold at 7:45 in the morning. We walked through that tunnel and down the big hill toward the sand as if we would never have to walk back up! :-)

Our walks aren't about cardio or speed. They're about sharing our week, issues - good and bad - we're experiencing in our lives, and starting our day off with positive energy. It takes us about an hour to head down to the cliffs and back, stopping abruptly at certain points to use our hands to make a point. Up the big hill back to the car is always a killer but there's no other way to get back up there so it's not like you can quit anyway. I'm glad it isn't uphill on the way there! Of course, after we get back to Starbucks, it takes us another hour to stop talking and let each other go. LOL!

  • 2 cups coffee
  • 2 liters water

  • Grapefruit

  • Crab
  • Asparagus, steamed
  • WASA

  • Strawberries

  • Red Snapper w/ spice rub*
  • Fresh Tomato
  • WASA

The snapper turned out really yummy cooked in a baking dish in the oven at 350 degrees for about 18 minutes. It could have been cooked for less time, though. Probably about 15 minutes would have been better.

I used a new spice rub that I bought at Fresh & Easy, an English market that expanded into the U.S. a couple of years ago. (http://www.freshandeasy.com/)

I like them because they carry great organic, free-trade coffee and many of the Indian foods and spices that I like. They're over in the Laguna Woods area which is a bit far from me and the distance keeps me from shopping there on a regular basis. However, my dry cleaner is just around the corner from them and so, at least once every two weeks or so, I have to be in that area just to run errands. (They are the best dry cleaner I've found in South Orange County. It's well worth the drive).

Anyway, back to the food! With such a limited pantry option for cooking the fish I was looking for a new spice. I found several "rubs" but noticed when looking at the ingredients that most of them have sugar added. That's a no-no, of course. The one I decided on was a total shot in the dark but it turned out to be a very fresh and simple option. It really let the flavors of the fish come through but wasn't boring.

You could make your own rub, too, of course. I find I'm getting lazier in the kitchen the longer I'm on this diet. It's hard to keep fresh ideas when you are eating the same things day after day. The ingredients in this rub are: Dehydrated Onion, Salt, Dehydrated Garlic, Spices (?), Lavender Flowers.

Housekeeping Note: I'm behind on posting, so this is the second post for today. Read below for yesterday's. And, please forgive!

Day 20 - Weight ??? - Traveling Day

Up early and headed back to Cali. What a waste that trip turned out to be... I still don't have a scale here in St. George, so I have no idea what my weight was this morning. It's good to be home.

  • 2 C coffee, 2 liters water


  • Strawberries (eaten in the car on the way)

  • Pre-cooked steak strips
  • Spinach, steamed
  • WASA

  • Grapefruit

  • Crab w/ lemon juice & Frank's (we're out of Cholula!)
  • WASA
I know I ate a LOT of crab. Twice yesterday, which is a real no-no on its own, and then again twice today. Two reasons; one, I was really craving it. Not sure why. And, two, once you open the container of fresh crab, you have to eat it. So, as long as it's only a couple of days in a row, I think I'm OK. Not the best choice, I'm sure, but not horrible, either. I wonder what the nutritional value of crab is? Maybe that would explain why I was craving it. I'll look it up and let you know when I have it again in a week or so.

I'm really not feeling hungry between meals and I'm feeling very satisfied when I do eat. There was no way I could stretch out the snacks and meals when I started. But now, I feel great eating a fruit serving around 11 a.m. and then parsing out the food for the rest of the day.

On the diet so far I haven't lost weight well on traveling days. Also, I'm heading into the two weeks of my "female" cycle that traditionally add weight, bloating, etc. It will be interesting to see how the weight measures up in the next few days...

Day 19 - Weight ???

This morning I'm up at the crack of dawn with darling Daphne who seems to have gotten the time change mixed up and decided to awaken at 5:30 a.m. Mountain Time which is both one whole hour earlier than she usually gets up anyway and only 4:30 a.m. Pacific Time. She didn't seem to be the bothered by it in the slightest. LOL! And it would have been perfect if we had actually been getting in the car to head to Idaho as we had originally planned. Instead, I had plenty of time to putz around the house and do things that always need to be done in a house in which you only visit and don't really live.

It was so very, very strange not to weigh myself this morning. Or not to have any idea what effect those eggs have had on my diet! :-) I weighed 125 at my Amara appointment with all my clothes on, and already having had several cups of water and coffee. I feel fine about that because I know that I weigh less than that under "normal" weighing circumstances. My measurements looked good and Amber was both really knowledgeable and a positive influence on my diet success thus far, my questions, and my diet future.

Amber let me know that any time after 23 days your metabolism is considered to be "reset." As long as you follow the "after-diet protocol" (which I haven't detailed yet on this blog) your metabolic rate should remain at its new levels after the 23rd injection. She also reminded me that 42 days is the longest you can remain on the injections without a taking a 6-week break. I decided, in concert with her advice, that I'll stay on the program for the full 42 days. I definitely have fat pockets to lose (read: saddlebags) and I may as well finish up the complete cycle. OK, it's good to know how much longer I have to do this. An end in sight!

Instead of getting back in the car and heading home (what a waste of time, gas money, food money, and energy this trip has turned out to be!), I decided to stay for the day and visit with my sister-in-law. Lemonade out of lemons! We went to the Green Valley Spa pool and tried to talk and catch up while her two little boys played in the water. It was good to try to make something positive out of what has become a ridiculous farce of a plan. Tomorrow, I'm headed home to Cali.

  • Strawberries
  • Crab (without any seasonings)
  • Asparagus, steamed
  • WASA
  • Grapefruit
  • WASA

  • Crab (unseasoned)
  • Tomatoes, fresh
Family Drama Update: So, get this, my Dad calls and says that they've "re-grouped" and everything is "back on." Only no one will be allowed to come this week, they'll be coming all together 5 days from now, and they "really hope I'll be able to make it." (What I'm supposed to do in the interim, I guess, is drive 400 miles back home and then turn around and drive 400 miles back to ST. G in two days and then on to Idaho? What the ????) I told my dad that I would most likely not be able to make it since I had "already made it." He said that they needed to accommodate everyone's plans and I remarked "Well, some people's plans are more important than other people's, I guess." He didn't like the sound of that and "thought I was more flexible than that." But there's really no other way to read the actions. It's true that I could have come at nearly any time but I could not come at ALL THE TIMES. So, I just said that I hoped that it worked out for him and that was the end of our conversation. (There's so much more drama to this story that involves numerous siblings, hours of telephone conversations, back and forth, etc. Why do families always seem to be about the drama and some people who just seem to feed on it?)

Day 18 - Weight 121.6 - Traveling Day

Up and out the door with one dog, one puppy, and one man-child (My "baby" is 17 now. That's practically grown!), in tow by 7 a.m. and on the road to St. George. I've driven this stretch so many times it's almost like being on auto-pilot. We left early so that I'd have time to run my errands for my own week's food prep upon my arrival. Where my parent's live the nearest grocery store is over 20 miles away and they don't have all of the items I might look for and find in Southern California. I need to prep before I get there. Besides, I'm heading to my parents to work, so the more I can streamline my eating requirements before I arrive the easier it will be to stick to the diet and still get everything done.

After we passed that gorgeous red rock canyon and drove into the St. George valley we headed straight to Petco (I forgot to pack Daphne's puppy food) and then to Costco where I bought my food. Errands accomplished we headed to the house and everyone was ready to get out of the car and settle in.

I spent the afternoon playing with my nephews, ages 2 and 4, who live in a house only one straight away from mine. I really miss them. We played "farm" and "knights and castles" (I was the princess in the tower who needed to be rescued). After a few hours, I headed home to cook, prep and package all of my meals for the week and get a good night's sleep before tomorrow's long, 8-hour, drive.

Tomorrow morning, before I head out of town, I'm going back to AmaraMedSpa to weigh-in, have a check-up/measurement session. I don't have a scale here, it's in Cali and I'll use my parents' while I'm in Idaho, and won't be able to weigh myself in the morning. So, my weight will be "off." Oh, well. I'm looking forward to seeing the staff, talking about my results & where I go from here, and asking some of the questions that I have.

For dinner, I really funked out tonight. I was just too tired to cook one more thing and nothing sounded good, anyway. So I made soft-boiled eggs. If you feel that you must have a break from meat, you are allowed to have eggs according to the Simeon Protocol. The rules are; no cooking with fat of any kind, and you can have one whole egg with three egg whites (yolk, of course, having the high fat content). I started out with the full intention of following the rules but I lost it. I cooked and ate all three eggs in their entirety and was so full and so tired that I didn't even cook or eat any veggies. I had eaten my strawberries before I started cooking the eggs. I have to tell you, those were possibly the best eggs I've ever had. I savored every bite and didn't even feel an ounce, or a microgram, of guilt.

  • Grilled steak
  • Tomatoes, fresh
  • Apple
  • WASA

  • Strawberries
  • 3 whole, soft-boiled delicious eggs

UPDATE ON THE TRAVEL: Well, you won't believe what happened. At nearly 11 p.m., my dad calls and tells me that they've decided to cancel the "event." It isn't working out, some people are upset about it, they don't know what they are going to do. One of my siblings (I'm not saying who) called my mom crying and upset that some of the kids would be there before her. Apparently, she's worried that someone will take something from her? Who knows. I don't reply that I'm already half-way there or that you shouldn't have to cry or bitch to have your feelings considered. I simply say, "Umm. Ok."

Day 17 - Weight 121

On really short notice, I have to leave for Idaho tomorrow morning. My parents retired in the southeastern part of that state leaving Palm Springs, where I grew up and got married for the first time, just a few months after my first son was born. It was 1991, and during a long roadtrip vacation through the northwestern states they bought a raspberry farm from "a guy my dad met while buying fishing tackle." I kid you not. They came back from vacation and were gone within a month to live in their idea of rural heaven, away from the hustle and bustle of southern California traffic, and congestion, and fast living. I have visited some over the years but can only take a couple of days before I need to get back to the "real world."

In the last couple of years my parents have spent their winters on the big island of Hawaii on a property where they've been building a simple little house for themselves. Away from everyone and in their own private utopia, with no rules and no judgements, I think they've finally found the life they wanted when they first fell in love back in the 60's and before they accidentally went and had a bunch of kids and got caught up in real life. I'm happy for them. Their lives have not been easy and I think they have found more than a spot of peace for themselves over there on that volcanic rock.

Anyway, they are selling the farm now and my dad came up with this idea that all of the kids, there are 6 of us, should come up and go through all of their possessions and "pick what they want just like I was dead." OMG! Are you kidding me? This is an awful idea. Everyone thinks so. Except, apparently Dad. OK. Here we come. I'll drive to St. George tomorrow, a little less than half way, and stay the night and then head up the rest of the way the next day. My brother and I will go this first week and move boxes from the attic and over the garage, etc., (Dad's got more than 200 boxes and that doesn't count all of the stuff that is "out") and sort them into similarities so that when everyone gets there it can go more smoothly. Almost more importantly, I'm hoping to use my camera to catalog Dad's valuable antiques, important collections and expensive pieces so that he can sell them at auction. He isn't dead. He's still living and he and my mother should enjoy their own property financially while they are alive. (At least that's my view). Most of these kinds of pieces don't hold any particular sentimental value for us kids, they're just things he was into and collected over the years but weren't really part of our lives. He's collected more than a good bit of early Americana pieces that should pay handsomely for him now that he's ready to scale down and simplify his living experience.

So, tonight I have driven all over town buying groceries for my husband's week on the diet while I'll be gone, pet play pens for the dogs to use at my parent's property, another food scale, etc. Errands successfully run, I pre-cooked, prepped, and packaged all of hubby's meals for the week. It turned into a late night but all the work is done.

  • Ground sirloin & Cabbage soup
  • Apple
  • WASA
I know this pic looks awful. Very brown and more than a little like something really gross that you wouldn't want to eat. BUT, it was delicious. Also, I learned something about the pics and shooting soup. The soup has steam rising from it, obviously, and so it's impossible to take a straight-on shot that appears clear. You'd have to wait until the soup was cold to take a good pic. No thanks. Its not actually a prop, it's my lunch. :-)

  • Chicken soup w/Collard greens (for hubby)
  • Grilled steak, fresh tomato (for me)
  • Strawberries
  • WASA

Day 16 - Weight 122.6 (False Read) - NOT HUNGRY!

Today I missed my morning weigh-in and weighed myself after I'd had 2 glasses of water & my coffee. At that point, I was 122.6, which is .2 above where I was yesterday morning and exactly where I was a week ago. They say if you cheat, it takes three days to get back on track. We'll see...

This morning I took my husband to drop off his car at the mechanic and then on to work. On the way home, I hit the Farmers' Market in Laguna Hills. It's the only one they have on Fridays and it's right off the freeway on my way home from hubby's office. I bought the most beautiful strawberries, fresh picked spring greens mix, heirloom tomatoes, and asparagus. I also bought grapefruit, which looked fabulous. Unfortunately, I tried one for my morning snack and it turned out to be kind of sour. Bummer. I was really hoping someone would be selling fresh micro-greens but I didn't see any. I asked a few of the vendors and they said they didn't know of anyone selling them. I guess that's something I'll have to really appreciate when I'm in St. George because they have someone selling them at the Farmers' Market there on Saturdays.

IMPORTANT NEWS ALERT: I AM NOT HUNGRY TODAY. In fact, I cheated at dinner (extra protein, extra veggies) and actually felt stuffed. I don't know what happened, but I really like it. Maybe it's just because I'm feeling better. I definitely don't have any complaints.

2 liters water
2 cups coffee


Pre-cooked chicken w/ broth
Spinach (wilted w/ chicken broth)


Snapper, 150 grams
Asparagus, 150 grams

I cooked the snapper in the oven at 350 degrees for about 16 minutes with just a light salt and pepper, and a splash of lemon juice.

Day 15 - Weight 122.4 - Measurement Day

Weight: 122.4 (- 2 lbs.)
Bust: 34" (no change)
Waist: 26" (- 1")
Abdomen (read: GUT): 35" (- 1 3/4")
Saddlebags: 40 3/4" (- 3/4")
Left Thigh: 22" (- 1/2")
Right Thigh: 22" (-1")
Left Knee: 14 1/2" (-1/2")
Right Knee: 14 1/8" (-5/8")

TOTAL LOSSES for this week: 2 lbs., 6 1/8"

TOTAL LOSSES TO DATE: 6.6 lbs., 12 3/8"

I really can't believe how many inches I lost this last week. My weight did not reflect it and I thought the inches would look something like the weight lost. I'm so excited. Frankly, I don't care if I weigh 200 pounds if my measurements are what they should be for my body type! LOL! By the way, I don't think I ever published my height and I probably should have. I'm only 5'2" tall and wear a size 7 or 7 1/2 shoe. I'm pretty small boned - always have to have links taken out of bracelets or watches to have them fit my wrists, that kind of thing. When my son was about 4 years old, we could wear the same belt size. No kidding. I was on the largest hole and he was on one of the smaller ones, but still, most people could not share a belt with their 4-year-old. I'm not super skinny like Nicole Ritchie but I'm a fairly petite woman who isn't genetically supposed to be a size 8 or 10. Size 10 or 12 for a larger woman may be fit and fabulous. Size 6 for my frame and height is definitely too big, out of proportion, and not healthy for me going into the next half of my life.

Last night before I went to bed I took two Alka-Seltzer Night-Time Cold tabs, my over-the-counter med of choice for colds or flu. Beats Nyquil by miles! This infection has seemed to be moving into my head now and I really needed a good night's sleep. I slept great but when I woke up I felt both exhausted and disoriented. My husband had to get up and take Daphne out. Then I somehow thought it was Saturday (In reality, today is actually Thursday, the blog is a couple of days behind...) and wondered why dear hubby was up and taking a shower so early before I dropped back into a blissful deep sleep. At 7:00 a.m. when he walked over fully dressed in suit and tie, delivered Daphne to the bed and kissed me goodbye, I asked him where he was going. Only after he said he was going to work ("On Saturday?") did I realize that I was totally out of it. It was pretty funny and he laughed.

By about 7:30 I could tell that Daphne needed to get up and I got up and went about my day feeling much better and not tired at all. In fact, I really got quite a bit of serious work done around the house today re-organizing and transferring furniture between the office and the guest room and even doing a little bit of laundry. It felt so good to be accomplishing something.

By the late afternoon, though, I was getting pretty tired. I had overdone it. This is a commonly recurring theme for me in my life in general and particularly after I've been sick. (You just want to DO SOMETHING after you've been laying in bed for days!) Call me the "Queen of the Energy Burst."

  • 2 liters water
  • 1 C coffee
  • 1 C black chai tea
  • 1 C chamomile tea

  • 1/2 grapefruit

  • Steak (recipe below)
  • Tomato
  • Melba toast

  • Apple


  • Steak Salad w/ Pre-cooked steak strips (for Hubby)
  • Chicken Salad w/ pre-baked chicken (for me)
  • WASA/Melba toast

I used the warm chicken "broth" as my salad dressing. Yum!


  • Steak
  • Tomatoes, diced bite-size
  • Garam masala, salt
Rub the steak with the garam masala. Place steak and tomatoes on tin foil and salt to taste. Wrap foil tightly into a sealed pocket. Cook over grill pan at high heat for about 3 minutes. unwrap immediately and serve.

Garam masala is actually a blend of spices. The name is derived from the the Hindi garam, meaning "hot" and masala, "paste." There is no one blend that makes up garam masala because it varies regionally throughout India. However, commercially produced garam masala often contains: pepper (black & white), bay leaf, cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, coriander, and turmeric. The spice mixture is ground but not roasted and the flavors only truly come alive with heat. Indian food is known for slow cooking and the true fabulousness of the spice will not come alive in a three-minute dish. Still, I enjoyed the difference from a traditional grill salt or BBQ flavoring on the steak and the spice combination worked well with the tomato.

(This photo was taken from the Wikipedia site).

Day 14 - Weight ??? - Tea

Obviously, I'm still sick and today is the second day of my Z-pack. I had a horrible night. I coughed continually until I basically had to sleep partially sitting up. Then Daphne woke up at 5:50 a.m. needing to go out and then again at 6:17 a.m. Today would be the day that she doesn't sleep until 7 a.m.? Urgh! Although I'm tired, the rest of the day went OK, and I was able to take a nap for about an hour this afternoon.

I did weigh myself this morning but got sidetracked and didn't tally it. Weight for today? Who knows.... Tomorrow is measurement day, so I know I won't forget that! I'm worried that I haven't done well this week; cheating, being sick, etc. Tomorrow we'll know. Let's not ruin today.

  • 2 liters water
  • 1 C coffee
  • 1 C Yerba Mate tea
  • 1 C black chai tea

I ruined my first cup of coffee this morning trying the Stevia again. I'm sticking with black for the rest of my life, I guess. I just can't seem to get the amount of Stevia right, or I just don't like the taste, or....? I don't know. My husband really likes it and won't need to go back to sugar when he's done with the diet. He is going to stick with the Stevia. He definitely still misses a little milk, though, and he's planning to add that back in when this is all over.

The last couple of days, while I've been sick, I haven't been drinking all the liquids that I'm supposed to. I know that's affecting my weight loss and I'm trying to get back on track. I also haven't been keeping a tally and that's why I haven't listed the data in my last posts. I have been drinking alot of Traditional Medicinals Teas over the last couple of days.

These teas are a staple at our house and I highly recommend them for both their quality and efficacy.

  • Strawberries
  • Melba toast
  • Yerba Mate tea

Yerba Mate is one of the recommended teas on the diet. It's both a bit bland and a bit bitter for my taste. Drunk while eating the strawberries, though, it was actually quite nice. The natural sweetness really complimented the tea.

  • Chicken (recipe below)
  • Spinach
  • Hamburger (ground sirloin)
  • Spinach (wilted gently)

  • Chicken, cut in small bite-size pieces
  • Spinach
  • 1/2 C water
  • Lemon pepper, cinnamon, garlic powder
Add chicken, spices and water in non-stick pan. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until cooked through, about 3-4 minutes. Add spinach and toss until wilted, about 1 minute. Serve. This dish really needed a pick-me-up! I splashed a bit of Bragg's & a bit of lemon juice over the finished product which made it a little too salty but still tasty. Next time I will eliminate the Bragg's and just use about a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Cooking in such small increments and with such limited ingredients has created some unique problems in the kitchen. The most obvious is time. When such small amounts are used, your time is decreased. Baking and cooking times are slashed drastically when only 100 grams of protein has to be cooked through, both in the oven and on the stovetop. The capacity to overcook is a real threat. :-)

More importantly from a taste perspective is the elimination of "slow cooking" techniques completely. For example, when you only use 1 cup of liquid because your amount of protein will only flavor one cup of liquid you are limited in what you can do with your flavors. When making a soup, you can't afford to lose any of your liquid to evaporation so everything must be done quickly. You never end up with robust and deep flavors because your spicing has not had time to seep into the liquid and the protein and blend together to create a new flavor palette. It doesn't mean that the food can't be very tasty, but it can't compete with a slow cooked meal.

When this diet is over and the weighing is done, I'll be able to modify these recipes and continue to cook fat free in many instances with flavors much superior to, and more subtle than, the ones achieved during the diet. I'm looking forward to it.