"Once I was beautiful. Now I am myself." Anne Sexton

Day 28 - Weight 119 - Period Day 3/No HCG

I woke up today with quite a bit of energy and felt really good. It looks like this will be the last day of my period and I'm excited to, hopefully, get back to the injections and back on track tomorrow.

I've been thinking about getting back into the habit of stretching daily. I love stretching. Since I felt so good this morning, I decided to do a Classical Stretch routine ( http://www.classicalstretch.com/ ). Oh, boy! I did finish the routine but I have to tell you, I was E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D! I seriously felt so tired in my body. From doing a 30-minute stretch workout! I was not out of breath, light headed or anything like that. But my body felt really weak. I will admit that I always feel weaker during my period. I don't usually work out at all during that time, I try to take a nap during the day, etc. But this was more extreme than usual.

I had my apple snack right after the workout at 10:30 and then slid back into bed... By early afternoon I seemed to have recovered and took the "girls" for a walk, accomplished things around the house, etc. Still, I laid pretty low...

Today I started thinking about things that I can't wait to eat after the diet is over. :-)

  • Feta cheese
  • A "whole" salad (lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumber...)
  • Mixed veggies & fruits
  • Broccoli
  • Zuchini
  • Salmon
  • Ahi Tuna
  • A "real" Steak
It's funny because everything that I can't wait to eat is actually really healthy. Cool, hmmm?

  • 1 C coffee
  • 2 liters water

  • Apple

  • Shrimp Ceviche w/ Baby Heirlooms & Onion
  • WASA

  • Grapefruit

  • Laura's Beef Hamburger Patty
  • Spring Greens Salad w/ Spicy Vinaigrette