"Once I was beautiful. Now I am myself." Anne Sexton

Day 40 - Weight 115: Post HCG Day 2 of 3 - Measurement Day

My sister-in-law, her mother and stepfather, and my 4-year-old nephew have all had some horrible kind of stomach flu over the last couple of days. Some had it for 24 hours. Some for 36. It's so sad when I come to visit and then they are sick and I feel like I can't visit them. Who wants to get sick???

Well, even though I thought I had stayed at arms' length, last night the bathroom ogre called on me. Fortunately, I didn't throw up and only suffered on the other end. For about three hours I was doubled over in horrible cramping that gave me an immediate mental throwback to labor pains. Aaaah! It was awful but in the end, everything subsided and I was able to fall into a deep, deep sleep. Kind of like passing out, I guess. When I woke up this morning, I felt fine. A little worse for the wear but healthy and ready to take on my day.

Today is measurement day. I'm not sure what affect being sick might have on the measurements. What I've learned over this process is to weigh and measure regardless of circumstances. Factor in what you must after-the-fact. Because, over time, you'll see an average and "real" weight and measurement that holds true regardless of where you are at in your cycle, your health, your eating pattern for yesterday, etc.

Weight: 115 lbs. (-3 lbs.)
Bust: 34" (0")
Waist: 25" (-1/2")
Abdomen (read: GUT): 34 1/4" (+1 1/4")*
Saddlebags: 38 1/2" (-1 1/4")
Left Thigh: 20 1/2" (-3/4")
Right Thigh: 20 1/2" (-1/2")
Left Knee: 14 1/4" (+1/4")*
Right Knee: 14" (0")

TOTAL LOSSES for this week: 3 lbs., -1 1/2"*
(* Somehow I GAINED an inch-and-a-quarter on my abdomen and a 1/4" on my left knee. The "gut" I can explain with being swollen after being sick. The knee... hmmm, no explanation. The body can be funky and I'm not worried about it. We'll see how the next measurement day goes. I'm going to measure my abdomen in a couple of days to see if it goes back to normal).

TOTAL LOSSES TO DATE: 15 lbs. and 15 1/4" (EXCITING!!!)

It was a great day but a busy one and my eating schedule went all to pieces. I didn't plan well, didn't take any food out with me, didn't want to drive "all the way home" to eat, and thought if I broke up my stride I wouldn't finish everything I wanted to do today. I know myself fairly well and I was probably right. But, knowing myself as I do, I should have planned much better for my health and wellbeing. I ended up not eating anything at all until around 7 p.m. This would not be completely abnormal for me in my pre-HCG diet life. It wouldn't be an ordinary, every-day-day, but it definitely would fall within the norm of something that happens several times a month. I don't want to do that anymore. However.... ('However' is just a more refined way of getting that "BUT...." in! And that always makes me laugh). Ok, let's try this again...

However, I accomplished so much today and I'm proud of getting all of my "outside the house" running around done so that in the next days I can get all of my "inside the house" work accomplished. :-) For groceries, I hit up both Costco and a fabulous new health food store out in Washington, Natural Grocers ( http://www.naturalgrocers.com/ ).

It was my first time in Natural Grocers. They just opened in June. I was in heaven! I thought I had stepped back in time and was in a health food store of 20 years ago. Life was a lot different then in the "health food" world. It had not become the huge market share it is today and was full of "real" health products without all of the hype and the advertising and, frankly, the lying that you get in a lot of the "natural" products today. I really appreciated the "What We Won't Sell and Why" page on their website. If you are partaking of any of these products, you may want to rethink your strategy.

( http://www.naturalgrocers.com/wontsellandwhy.php )

The store is fabulous and if there is one near you, I highly recommend that you take advantage of it. Terrific prices, too!

I bought a car for my youngest (yes, it was more of an ordeal than those 6 words indicate!), conducted auto insurance policy update and financial appointments, and sauntered through a VERY long & VERY enjoyable trip to Barnes & Noble where I was "only" going to get some Fancy Nancy books to complete my niece's birthday gift but ended up perusing a good deal of the store shelf "real estate" and came home with treasures for me, too.

Books, books, books. I really don't think that you can have too many. I love my Kindle (one of mankind's most fabulous inventions!) but I still love a B-O-O-K. Always have. Always will.

At 7:00 p.m. I ate:
  • One whole Grapefruit
  • Asparagus, 200 grams
  • Heirloom Tomatoes, fresh, 200 grams

I'm going to do much better tomorrow.


Steph said...

are you on maintenance? how is it going? I am stressing out.

I droped off some tea yesterday. I was bummed you guys weren't there. Hope you got it.

Why are you selling your house :(

I was sad I missed your yard sale. I bet you had great stuff!!


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