"Once I was beautiful. Now I am myself." Anne Sexton

Day 25 - Weight 120.6 - Pre-prepping Foods

Well, I remain hovering in the 120 zone. Start the period already! I know I cheated yesterday mixing more than one veggie for both lunch and dinner and adding an extra 50 grams of protein at dinner. Overall, I really feel like it's most important to listen to my body and to respect it.

One thing I've learned about being successful on this diet is to be prepared. Pre-prepping and cooking the food portions has been really helpful. Today I baked 6 chicken portions and grilled 6 steak portions that we'll eat during the week. I realize that this is something I can do and probably should be doing after the diet. The portions can be larger and more varied, of course! :-)

Pre-planning and cooking portions, especially for lunches, will keep us healthier over the long term. While I am a big proponent of fresh cooking and am pretty much anti-microwave cooking, I am realizing that it's healthier to have portioned, great food ready to eat instead of reaching for whatever is "easy." Whatever is easy is usually not very healthy and that means not only that easy and fast foods are higher in the "junk" that we shouldn't be eating but that they also don't contain a varied mix of nutrients that we should be eating.

  • 1 C coffee
  • 2 liters water

  • Strawberries
  • Halibut (left-overs from last night)
  • Spring Greens w/ Spicy Vinaigrette
  • WASA

  • Grilled Steak
  • Fresh Tomatoes
  • WASA (for Hubby only, not for me)

SNACK (eaten after dinner)
  • Apple